Monday, September 15, 2008

Dad's Quintuple Heart Bypass

After days and days of staying in the hospital for his heart surgery, my dad's finally coming home tomorrow! =)

This whole experience hasn't been easy. In fact, all these rashes and allergy attacks i've been getting lately have just proven how stressful things have been. But the thing is, there's just so much to be happy and grateful for that all one can do is bow down to the greater power that makes all things possible.

Throughout the experience, we have all been brought back together as a family and through the process, we've all gotten our little shares of grace and mercy. And we're just thankful for still being able to celebrate and enjoy the prolonging of our father's life...

Here are some things I've realized...
- God really does answer prayers -in His own time, and in His own way. But the point is, He answers prayers.
- The people you truly love are the only ones who could truly hurt you or bring you real joy.
- Prayer isn't about yourself -whether or not you believe you're worthy. It's about running to God in your most vulnerable and helpless moments, and surrendering to Him all your hopes and fears. It's not about YOU, it's about HIM and His saving grace. =)
- We can all choose to be angry, begrudging, or unforgiving at some point in our lives... but we really gain nothing from it. All we can do is let go...
- Real forgiveness is a personal decision and it doesn't matter if it's not reciprocated.
- Good things can result from one's humility.

... There really has been so much more I've learned, but it's too overwhelming and the picture's so much bigger than me that it's pretty difficult to express. The point is, I'm happy. We're happy. I love my dad, and I'm thankful that God has been so good by giving him another chance at a new life. =)


kristia said...
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kristia said...

jas! good to know your dad's doing well. grabe gipakyaw! quintuple? hehehe hoping for his speedy recovery. :)

Jasmine said...

haha pakyaw mo lang! 5 jud kabuok! hahaha!

thanks Kris! hope all is well with you. hope to catch you online soon! =) i've been so busy with so many things lately. sheesh!

Anonymous said...

good to hear your dad's doing okay now. :) lucky guy to have all that family around him. :)

no, you don't know me. i'm just trying to expand my daily reading blogs list haha.

plus, you're hot! you can be my blogger crush. :)

Jasmine said...

hello marc! thanks for dropping by my blog! =D

haha funny.. blogger crush? lol. thank you i guess. i'll visit your page from time to time too =)

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Good for you and your dear pamilya... One dagok ng buhay passed with flying colors... hehe...

and speaking of flying colors! ABA! nangambisyon ka pa ng cap and scrubs! haha. akala mo talaga you're the one tending to your dad's needs noh! I mean, of course you do pero if i know, 20% work and 80% show lang yun sayo! HAHA. just kidding hun... hehe... i know you were really stressed about the whole thing, psychosomatic na nga diba! HAHA.

Maiba na topic lang... Update me about your forced labor experience! HAHA...
