Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Aha! New Blog!

I was scanning through my old blog earlier today, and it hit me how much I was cringing. And so, without any hesitation at all.. I did it.. I finally clicked on that DELETE button (Well, not exactly delete, but no more public viewing at least)! And ta-dan!!! No more old melodramatic blog for blackmail references. Haha. 

I guess steps like these are necessary at certain points in our lives. Change. Growing up. Sometimes we take a look at a past reflection of ourselves only to realize that we are no longer the same person, and we have become so detached to the things that remind us of what has been. 

But foregoing with the "old" doesn't mean that the "new" has to be so different. At least, let's hope that this new girl can still write... But let's try to look forward to much lighter and more mature issues this time. I hope you'll stay tuned to my stories. Ciao!


Anonymous said...

wow jasmine...that's a great hard big move. i've attempted abandoning my blog in tabulas but i couldn't do it... for some reasons i do not know.. so here's your new blog... i would remain to be your fan.. hehe


Jasmine said...

Flo! Thank you.. you don't know how much that made me smile. hehe. I'll link you in this blog too! =P