Friday, August 29, 2008

Dear Mr. Obama,

That speech you made last night was truly inspiring. If I were an American, you could certainly count on my vote, but I guess I'm not. (",) But still, I'm sure you'd appreciate to know that across the Atlantic, there were people who listened to you with eyes and ears wide open, clinging to your every word...

I wish I can tell you that I believe America isn't only a great nation with great spirit. I believe America is an IDEA -idea of a place where people can embrace CHANGE for the BETTER and live out their dreams. And with the CHANGE that you promise in your campaign, I truly hope that this will not only affect your nation, and that you would inflict it amongst the international community as well. (",)

You see, in a poor country such as ours, we are rarely inspired by our politicians. In fact, more often than not, we are left disheartened and desolate from their false promises and power playing schemes. I do not wish to sound unpatriotic to my motherland, because the truth is, I do love my Las Islas Filipinas. But when you see poverty, corruption, or ignorance as things that are no longer "problems" to solve but are regular elements to everyday life, you would probably understand how clamoring for CHANGE may seem like a balloon that has flown way too high up in the air.

But Mr. Obama, I do hope you win. And when you do, I hope that you keep your promises to pave way for CHANGE. Maybe, just maybe... we could all wake up to a tomorrow that is much lighter than today.


My dad asked me to take a snapshot of that public announcement sign board placed for the road construction happening at the adjacent street from our house. Upon taking the photo, I found a few things quite disheartening (yet amusing all at the same time). All this talk about politics has really got me thinking lately. Haha! Now now...Can you please tell me what it is WRONG with this picture?!?!! (",) (You can CLICK ON THE PICTURE for a larger view)


Flora said...

Date Started, Target Completion, Contract Amount, and Duration are all blanks. Considering that these are the most important information to be filled in.


Jasmine said...

...especially CONTRACT AMOUNT =) I wouldn't mind much if they took forever to complete the project... just as long as the designated amount goes to the right places. But when they place a sign board with the primary purpose of Public Information, and not give out the necessary information... it just goes to show how USELESS the thing is! Boy, people around here actually think EVERYONE's ignorant.. very insulting! How the hell do they expect us to know we're not being duped?!! Hrmm..

kristia said...


jas it was interesting to see you write about mr. obama :) we watch fox news all the frickin time and my tito here is an obama hater. lol. scrutinizes everything he says, does, believes in. which makes me hate mccain. but really i think i've just numbed myself from all this political bs. i can't stand listening to their speeches, promise this promise that. they all come at a price. and with obama it's taxes i think.

but in obama's defense - he is very charismatic and invigorating because he's CHANGE. sadly, it's in my head na that they're all just the same.

haha talk about buzzkill.

Jasmine said...

i'd prefer Obama than McCain anytime. besides, if you think about it... whoever wins.. taxes are most probably going to shoot up. the thing is, you just have to vote for someone whom you'll believe will make use of those taxes in a much better way.. and not invest so much US bucks on war! =D ahermm.. you seriously wouldn't want more of Bush's 8 years! hehehe..

now, i wish you Americans could just place Bill Clinton back into office.. hrmm.. or maybe Hillary! LOL.

anyway.. it's funny! My parents are fans of OBAMA now.. actually, they were huge fans of the CLINTONS -si mom kang hillary, dad si Bill! HAHAHAHHAHAA. it's hilarious watching them watch those people!

BUT HEY! If you think Politics in your country is a lot of BULLSHIT.. i'd beg you to remember what politics is like here back home! JUST TAKE A LOOK AT THAT PHOTO I POSTED BELOW!!!!

kristia said...

haha tinuod jas. i'm a closeted Obama "supporter" if secretly defending him counts as that. hahahaha. pastilan!

but i just block off all the
politics BS pretty much. i'd rather do that than follow and listen to everything they have to say. it just makes my blood curdle.

i'd rather take a nap. :P

kristia said...

btw, what do you mean my country?! hahahah. this isn't. i just live here. you know what i mean. lol.

basta i'd rather spend my energy somewhere more rewarding. :P

may the lesser evil win. :P