Friday, June 6, 2008

Post-BSN/Pre-RN Oh No's!!!

It's funny how people seem to assume that once you've graduated, you can literally just do anything you want to do. Well reality check, that is not always the case.

Someone said to me today, "Oh you can do anything you want to do now. You're done with school." A million different things ran through my mind after hearing her say that. For one thing, I totally disagree... Here is my list on why the whole hullabaloo of graduating with a BS Nursing degree isn't what it's all hyped out to be (well, at least not for the first few months, or uhrmm. years):

1. Oh you're not exactly quite "DONE" yet!
- Even if you are technically out of the constraints of your school's campus, division's rules and the prying eye of clinical instructors, you still have to take on quite a number of steps before you can really say you're "done."

Let's talk about Completions for Operating and Delivery Room cases, filing for PRC approval (oh the PAPERWORK and oh the queuing!) and even, more STUDYING. Take in mind that before you can actually take a two day exam to determine whether or not you can expect a future in wearing white, you have to go through so much trouble and wait for quite some time. =) Life's a peach!

2. You can't exactly start looking for a job now, can you?
- If you're a Nursing graduate, have you actually tried to go on a job interview and have the interviewer tell you that they aren't really so sure about hiring Nursing graduates? Who could blame them? For one thing, the most time that these graduates could commit would most probably be around four to six months. Which means, that a company would spend so much to hire you for training, but you'd end up quitting in a short while anyway. In fact, you'd probably end up leaving your job way before you start making some considerable amount of money for the company. Most firms aren't willing to risk so much.

And even if you are actually determined to work diligently even after you have taken the Boards, do you honestly think that you can juggle everything mentioned on #1 (completions, PRC filing, and review) with all the stresses of that new job? Oh believe me... been there, done that! Hahaha.

A new job will only take too much of your time and distract you from your priorities. Besides, it's not like you can actually expect to get a decent full-time job. Most job opportunities that are open to post-BSN/pre-RN individuals are part-time stuff, and usually of the too-much-to-do-too-little-pay sort. And don't even let me get started on the "skills" part of your resume.

3. Show me the money! *Big GRIN*
- Now this is probably the toughest thing we'd have to discuss. Hahaha. If you're like me, and you're not-such-a-spoiled-brat (only a little) and you are actually capable of feeling shame every time you have to beg for money from your parents, then I bet the money thing would be a very big problem. As much as you would want to "go out" frequently with friends now that you finally have all the time in the world to do so, chances are, you'd probably end up guilty to overdo this. This is especially if your parents start nagging you about it. And again, because there is a steep chance to get a decent job and if you do get a decent job, the money thing still seems to be a problem, then I'm sure you get the whole picture.

4. That sedentary lifestyle needs some changing.. "if only I can find the strength to get up from this couch and put down my spoon."
- This is why I absolutely salute those of my batch mates who have started hitting the gym since summer, but to those who have not, tsktsk, look at those gorgeous love handles! =) Now I personally do not totally abhor this concept because I think I need a little of that weight, but the lack of exercise cannot be good for my health! But oh, we try to do sit-ups, stretching, and even jogging a little, but still... too much free time on your hands can only mean more time for food and sitting around. And you know what they say, too much of anything will always be very bad for you! Spank! Spank!

Okay, so I realize that this shouldn't be all bad. After all, being productive and getting your life on track is a matter of choice. If one chooses to lie around the whole day and do nothing, then that is completely the person's choice because there are a million ways available to make oneself useful if he/she really wants to be productive. But all I really want to say is that, with too much free time on your hands, and with options and opportunities being very scarce, most BSN graduates I know who have not yet taken the June Boards are definitely going through the same ordeal. And what's worse is that this can possibly go on for years... The bottom line is, the whole concept of people thinking how "perfect" the Nursing course can be for everyone is not exactly what it's all hyped up to be. And I have only discussed the tip of the iceberg here. Don't let me get started on much deeper and complicated issues, oh no!

So for everyone who thinks that once you have graduated, everything will seem less complicated and to those who keep giving false promises (ha! "the grass is greener" my ass!) to the ignorant, please think twice before you start to open your trap. I don't want to discourage people though, I just want people to realize reality and not to become gullible with trends. If you must know, I do not even regret my decision on taking up BS Nursing as my Collegiate course, however, no one really warned me before on such realities.. which is why I want to warn you now... just so you'll be prepared... and just so I can vent on how frustrating it makes me feel to hear people tell me, "you can do anything you want to do now since you have so much free time." =) Get it? Vale? Vale.

... Now if only I could've thought of all of this sooner... to think, people have been poking me for the past two years to contribute to the Nursing Division's yearly publication! This would've been a real eye-opener huh? It's not too late, is it dear editor?? =) Hahaha.

P.S. I think this is only applicable if you're taking up BS Nursing in the Philippines.. or in our school at least. Or it's a common thing among batch mates. I don't claim to be an expert. Just rambling out of experience.


Anonymous said...

Wow. I mean really wow. I didn't expect something as innocent as what I said could send you out to ramble like this. I know the stress isn't yet done even if you're already out of BSN, but the thing is, you are much more welcome now to venture more on recreational activities, that is if you want the choice. I didn't really mean that you could do whatever you want despite your priorities. LOL. Gee. My bad. I have to admit though, this is really a great artik for a Nsg publication. Why don't you submit this to your editor the soonest you can? :) More blessings to you, Ate Hunn!

Jasmine said...

kea! OMG! I hope you didn't feel bad after reading my entry.. if it's any consolation, it wasn't just you... i mean, it's a whole bunch of people telling me the same thing. And I seriously not as pessimistic as I sound in my rambling, and I do know that it is still a matter of "choice" (which is what I am trying to do now.. making and sticking by my "choice").. but you know what I mean.. I just want people to see the whole picture that it's not exactly all peaches and cream, you know?? =)

But I sincerely hope that you are still very optimistic about pursuing nursing and I wish you all the best. I truly do. =)

Kea! Now I feel guilty for making you read my post.. =( But THANK YOU. =)

More blessings to you too Kea! And sana magkita-kita tayo ulit! Reunion! Hehehe. =) Miss you

Anonymous said...


I guess ms. realist is back.. i wonder what happened to ms. macdreamy? a.k.a "girl on the telefone"! LOL. just kidding hun...

nice insights! (if that's what they're called?! LOL.) and i guess i know who are those people to have tried journeying a life of job interviews and rejection! haha. *ahem!

anywho, write more... rating? two thumbs up for entertainment factor and a full split for unconcsious bitterness! LOL.


Anonymous said...

omg jas! saktong sakto!
i have been rambling about being a graduate with a BSN course since March pa.

gusto ko nang iprint ang blog mo at ipabasa dun sa mga nagsasabing "wooow, nursing!"

haay... :(

Jasmine said...

des! gusto ko yan isubmit sa NUTRIX bah. try lang gud, baka iprint nila! pero gusto ko, BY ANONYMOUS! hahahhahahhaha