Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I just stepped out of the Operating Room a few minutes ago. I was in there with my mom while my dad was being rolled out towards the recovery suite from his Angiogram.

I still can’t comprehend how lightly I’ve taken all of this when it was just starting out. I should’ve known, and I should’ve been able to feel it in my instincts… after all, this is what I have been trying to get into my head for the past four years. But I guess denial doesn’t choose its subjects. And just perhaps, it strikes the hardest to those who should know. After all, what is there to deny if there isn’t at least a bit of knowledge right?

Anyway, the doctors showed us the images of dad’s angiogram. As I was viewing my father’s heart pumping, there I saw them… those stubborn occlusions in his coronary arteries. I was surprised at how extensive the affected areas were. With my dad’s symptoms surfacing on the outside (or the lack of), I wouldn’t have suspected mayhem going on inside his heart…

We still have to decide on what particular surgery he should undergo. But it’s certain that he’s going to need and get it. Most likely, he’d need Bypass…

I’m now sitting here inside an empty hospital room while waiting for Dad to be back from the PACU (Post Anesthesia Care Unit). There are a million things in and out of my head, though I can’t fathom much…

(I wrote this originally at 10:09am)


UPDATE: Dad's going to get triple Bypass, maybe around two weeks from now. =)


Anonymous said...


I may not have the same experience but i guess i could claim that i've been through the same raft. (raft bah? HAHA.) Just a few hopefully comforting words (from Hagrid! HAHA.)

"What will come will come, we'll just have to face it when it does"

Jasmine said...